New World Amrine Excavation Expedition Guide
New World Amrine Excavation Dungeon Guide New World Amrine Excavation is the first main Expedition you will go into. It
New World Starstone Barrows is a second main Expedition you will encounter. It recommends you to have level 35. It is not that difficult concerning Boss but has a lot of trashmobs flooding the rooms constantly. Let’s see into that.
✦ The New World Starstone Barrows Dungeon is in Everfall. You first need to complete the Researcher’s Request to gain access to this one. Basically, to go to the Expedition you speak to William Heron and go through all of his quest series. If you are done with them, you are now able to go to the Starstone Barrows Dungeon.
✦ To enter the Dungeon you must have Starstone Tuning Orb. Well, there are two ways to obtain it: craft or complete other quests. Completing each quest will only gain you the Tuning Orb once, so if you want to enter this Dungeon more than twice, you are doomed to craft it.
✦ You also need to bring with you the Azoth Staff to opens the Ancient Seals.
✦ Your enemies in New World Starstone Barrows are ancients. They all Takes are strong against Slash damage (-15%), and Fire damage (-40%). Equip weaponry with Strike damage (+20%), Lightning damage (+30%), and Void damage (+15%). They all are 35 and 36 lvl.
Explore the Halls for a path to the Shattered Obelisk – trashmobs, unseal the chamber.
Continue to explore the ancient complex – trashmobs, go through three lasers, near the respawn point there is an expedition chest
Navigate through the Forbidden Passage to Gain Arcane Protection to pass through the barriers – go left, jump down, pass the moving lasers twice, jump down under the third laser and go up left. There is an obelisk. Now your team member can hold up the Staff to let you go through the lasers. This works while he stands in the lasers, so make sure everyone passes further.
Continue to explore the path to the Shattered Obelisk in New World Starstone Barrows – there is a respawn point and the expedition chest near it. Go left up the staircase, wait for the trashmobs to come to you then pass the moving lasers. There will be more trashmobs. Go up the stone stairway killing trashmobs.
Use the Azoth Staff to gain access to the Shattered Obelisk. Kill trashmobs and unseal the chamber. There will be Shrine and Expedition chest after it. Defeat the Obelisk Guards and proceed up the stairway, go left, left again, then go down the stairway. There will be more trashmobs and the chamber to unseal. More trashmobs for you to deal with. Ancient Azoth Seal to unlock, still more trashmobs.
Gain Arcane protection – kill the guardians, use the Staff on the obelisk. Pass the lasers. Search the key to gain entry to the Crypt of the Regent – just kill the mobs, the key is in the Ornate Chest under the statute.
Disconnect the power lock on the Ancient Shrine and use the Shrine to bless the Obelisk – go to the Shattered Obelisk in New World Starstone Barrows and pass through the three lasers on the left, then and bless the obelisk on the other side.
Go to the Halls of the Crypt in New World Starstone Barrows, there will again be trashmobs, kill them and proceed to the Antechamber to unlock the door.
The Boss awaits you. Greundgul the Regent regenerates after you killed it once. Keep away when it flies in the air and slaps the sword on the ground. Try to stick to his back. He will spawn adds too.
Hopefully, you are ready to face the New World Starstone Barrows Dungeon now. If not then you can always get the boost from BoostingExperts and pick the option you need for your New World account. It will definitely save you time and effort.
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