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Boosting Prime
Get a constant discount for all your purchases and 3 special weekly offers for 10+ games presented on our website
What is included in Boosting Prime?
Constant discount on any order
Get up to a 10% discount on any order with an active Boosting Prime depending on the level of your subscription
Special offers for your favorite games
Get 3 special offers for each game weekly with extra discount summarized with the constant discount
New games available in Boosting Prime at launch
Get special offers in new online games available at the launch dates of the games
Share your offers with friends
Each offer comes up with a unique coupon you can share with your friends
Choose your Boosting Prime plan
Constant discount is the discount you get with an active Boosting Prime for any order on our website. Constant discount value depends on your Boosting Prime level from 5% on level 1 to 10% on level 5. Constant discount summarizes with special offers discount.
With an active Boosting Prime subscription, you get access to the special offers page where you can get 3 weekly offers for each game available in Boosting Prime. All offers are unique for each subscriber and can have a discount value from 5% to 90% depending on rarity. Offers are shown as coupons you can use in the cart when making an order or you can share with your friends.
Your subscription level defines your constant discount. Constant discount increases with your level from 5% on level 1 to 10% on level 5. You can upgrade your subscription level by getting Upgrades from weekly offers or purchasing the Legendary subscription plan.
All offers come up with a coupon you can share with your friends. Please take note that all offers are single-use only, so if your friend activates an offer it becomes unavailable for second use.
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