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Tuning Orbs for New World Expeditions

When you are going to the Expedition in New World, you can’t enter it unless you have a Tuning Orb of a particular type. However, they are no common items, and to obtain these Orbs you need to go through a lot. Well, let us try to make your life a bit easier.

General Information about Tuning Orbs in New World

Tuning Orbs are required items for main Expeditions. You simply can’t enter without them. Only one member of your team should have the Tuning Orb. Despite that, it is still very difficult to get these Tuning Orbs in New World. You can obtain them through completing some quests or by crafting. Though crafting is no simple thing as there are quite a bunch of rare ingredients.

Amrine Tuning Orb for Amrine Excavation

It can be obtained through Foreman’s Ledger expedition once and through Seeing Clearly Expedition once too. There is also an option to gain this New World tuning Orbd through Destiny Unearthed main story.

To craft this Tuning Orb in New World you will need Stonecutting Skill Level 25 and Stonecutting Table Tier III. Ingredients are the following: 

Corrupted Sliver (x10)

comes from Breach Caches which you get after cleansing the Corrupted Breach

Iron Chisel (x1)

get from Faction Representative in any major town for 500 Faction Tokens and 100 Gold

Stone Block (x50)

Eternal Heart (x1)

Stonecutting Table Tier III
Death Mote x50, Life Mote x50, and Soul Mote x50

Starstone Tuning Orbs for Starstone Barrows

You get it from Reaper’s Locus Expedition just once. 

To craft this Tuning Orb in New World go to the Stonecutting Table Tier III. You need to be of Stonecutting Level 50. Ingredients:

Corrupted Fragment (x10)

Corrupted Lodestone = Corrupted Crystals x2
Corrupted Crystal = Corrupted Shards x3
Corrupted Shard = Corrupted Fragments x4
Corrupted Fragment = Corrupted Sliver x5

Steel Chisel (x1)

purchase at any faction vendor

Stone Bricks (x50)

craft from stone blocks

Elemental Heart (x1)

Stonecutting Skill Level 50
Stonecutting Table Tier III
Water Mote x50, Earth Mote x50, Fire Mote x50, Air Mote x50

Depths Tuning Orb for The Depths

This New World Tuning Orb drops from the Archdeacon Azamela Expedition.

To craft it you should be of Stonecutting Level 55 and access Stonecutting Table Tier IV. 

Corrupted Shard (x10)

Corrupted Lodestone = Corrupted Crystals x2
Corrupted Crystal = Corrupted Shards x3
Corrupted Shard = Corrupted Fragments x4
Corrupted Fragment = Corrupted Sliver x5

Starmetal Chisel (x1)

purchase at any faction vendor

Lodestone Bricks (x50)

craft from stone bricks

Energy Core (x1)

Stonecutting Skill Level 50
Stonecutting Table Tier III
Elemental Heart x1, Eternal Heart x1

Dynasty Tuning Orb for Dynasty Shipyard

Requires you to have Stonecutting Level 75 and access Stonecutting Table Tier IV.

Corrupted Crystal (x10)

Corrupted Lodestone = Corrupted Crystals x2
Corrupted Crystal = Corrupted Shards x3
Corrupted Shard = Corrupted Fragments x4
Corrupted Fragment = Corrupted Sliver x5

Orichalcum Chisel (x1)

purchase at any faction vendor

Obsidian Voidstone (x10)

craft from lodestone bricks, lodestone, and loamy lodestone

Energy Core (x1)

Stonecutting Skill Level 50
Stonecutting Table Tier III
Elemental Heart x1, Eternal Heart x1

Genesis Tuning Orb for Garden of Genesis

Obtainable through crafting. You will need to obtain Stonecutting Level 100 and get access to the Stonecutting Table Tier V.

Corrupted Lodestone (x10)

Corrupted Lodestone = Corrupted Crystals x2
Corrupted Crystal = Corrupted Shards x3
Corrupted Shard = Corrupted Fragments x4
Corrupted Fragment = Corrupted Sliver x5

Asmodeum Chisel (x1)

purchase at any faction vendor

Runestone (x5)

Stonecutting Table Tier V
Stonecutting Skill Level 200
Obsidian Voidstone x5 find in Chests and Crates + Obsidian Sandpaper x1 + Putrid Lodestone x1 look in Blightcrag (Dungeon)

Genesis Core (x1)

Stonecutting Skill Level 100
Stonecutting Table Tier V
Elemental Heart x3, Eternal Heart x3, Corrupted Rune x3, Molten Rune x3

Lazarus Tuning Orb for Lazarus Instrumentality

Try The Original Guardian Expedition.

For crafting the Tuning Orb in New World you need Stonecutting Level 150 and Stonecutting Table Tier V.

Corrupted Lodestone (x20)

Corrupted Lodestone = Corrupted Crystals x2
Corrupted Crystal = Corrupted Shards x3
Corrupted Shard = Corrupted Fragments x4
Corrupted Fragment = Corrupted Sliver x5

Asmodeum Chisel (x1)

purchase at any faction vendor

Runestone (x10)

Stonecutting Table Tier V
Stonecutting Skill Level 200
Obsidian Voidstone x5 find in Chests and Crates + Obsidian Sandpaper x1 + Putrid Lodestone x1 look in Blightcrag (Dungeon)

Lazarus Core (x1)

Stonecutting Skill Level 150
Stonecutting Table Tier V
Elemental Heart x1, Undying Heart x1, Glowing Spore x3, Earth Totem x3

To save yourself time and effort crafting these Tuning Orbs in New World you can consider boost options from BoostingExperts. We can complete Expeditions for you fast and fair. 

Check out the Boosting options we have

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New World Faction Tokens Farming

New World Professions Boosting

New World Territory Standings Boosting

New World Outpost Rush Boosting

New World Expeditions Boosting

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